Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why the Snake?

I chose the Boa Constrictor, because once a pet, it escaped from Aruban houses into the wild and became a plague. Even the Dutch Marine can't fight it. I took this snake as a symbol of the corruption which holds Aruba in a stranglehold. Corruption starts in a friendly way: "I help you, you help me, I won't talk about what you did, you're  my brother, etc" but guess what happens: Justice disappears, the system gets paralyzed, abuse and murder are concealed, the weakest become permanent victims. As a child psychiatrist who worked in the years 2008 til 2010 on Aruba I  met with the victims: children, women, dogs... the end of the line with no way out. I tried to make justice prevail but entered the danger zone. The divided government couldn't protect me and I left the island. I promised the children of Aruba, who are left without any protection or psychiatric aid, to do something about it. That's why I wrote "Boa".

Boa (Dutch version) can be bought by the following link:

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