Sunday, June 24, 2012

More active measures

1. Change the status of the officials who according to Dutch-Aruban law can't be fired. If somebody knows he can't be fired whatever he does the temptation to misbehave becomes very attractive. Examples of officials which can't be fired: police men, employees of the government.
2. Change the work location of people who can get easily corrupted or put under pressure: Let them work temporarily on the different islands.
3. Have a trained, mobile child protection team, including at least a  nurse practitioner, a child psychiatrist, a lawyer which represents minors and child psychologist.
4  Have two independent  medical advisers on each island.
5. Have the police who deals with minors specially trained on this issue: how to conduct hearings in a sensible, human and clean way and how to avoid unnecessary violence.
6. Install a juvenile court on each island.

Do I ask too much? I don't think so. I'm convinced it can be done.

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