Monday, April 29, 2013

Dutch Government is pressured to act by the US and the Dutch parlament.

Wanneer barst de bom?

How long will it take to convince the Dutch government that it has to act and protect the children from being damaged further, no matter what?  

George Knight

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Posts Tagged ‘Adèle van der Plas

Regering-Rutte steeds verder onder druk 

vanwege zaak 


In this link the most recent information on this issue:

Read carefully! The Dutch government pays for Demminks expenses in the trial against the newspaper AD!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

De Demmink Doofpot auteur: J. Poot

A carefully written research by Drs. J. Poot about how the Dutch government and the justice department ignore all the evidence against Joris Demmink, former head of the Dutch justice department.  Very depressing as it makes transparent that the Marc Dutroux  (Belgium) case is linked to an international pedofyle network. According to this book Joris Demming was,  and probably still is since his retirement november 2012, one of the heads of this international criminal network, holding governments in its grip. The rumor goes that Demmink resides  now on Aruba, enjoying young boys which are delivered to him. It enforces my personal impression that Aruba is one happy, pedofyle island.

De Demmink Doofpot contains fotocopies of files, newspaper articles and witnesses of victims. It is a very courageous work of research.  A similar book could be written in any other country of the world.