Monday, October 22, 2012

I thought America was different...

Until a parent of an abused child sent me this link:   

A video from Gerland  Waller.


Many Family Courts are siding with the abusers

"Experts estimate that that more than 58 000 are ordered by family courts into unsupervised contact with sexually and physically abusing parents".

Same story as in Aruba??

Is the world at war with our children? We need an international network to save the children!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thanks to AD the Dutch government wants to investigate Demmink

Minister Ivo Opstelten van Veiligheid en Justitie moet in een brief opheldering geven over zijn hoogste ambtenaar, Joris Demmink. Dat willen Kamerleden van VVD, PvdA, SP, CDA en 50Plus naar aanleiding van getuigenissen in het AD over contacten van de Justitietopman met een pooier van minderjarige jongens.

Minister of justice  I. Opstelten is asked to react
on the Demmink case by the diffrent Dutch Party's
VVD, PvdA, SP, CDA en 50Plus !

PVV-Europarlementariër Lucas Hartong gaat een flinke stap verder. Hij eist 'een onafhankelijk en diepgaand onderzoek en heeft een commissie van het Europees Parlement gevraagd de zaak-Demmink op de agenda te zetten.

PVV-Europe parlementarian Lucas Hartong demands a full investigation and asks the European Parliament to put the case Demmink on the agenda.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

AD shows courage investigating Dutch top official suspected of abuse and sex traffic of minors.

The  newspaper AD (Algemeen Dagblad) in the Nederlands has the courage to publish on the 6th of October 2012 about Joris Demmink, top official in the Nerherlands who has planned to resign this month. Since 2003 Demmink  is strongly suspected of sexual abuse of boys  but apparently has held the Dutch justice system in his iron grip til now. During his office time he appointed many prosecutors. I can imagine them to be heavily influenced by  Demmink. Let's hope justice will finally prevail and that the victims of childabuse will have more rights in the future as well in The Netherlands,  the  Dutch  Carribean and Aruba (status aparte) which still has a mainly Dutch Public Ministry and Court.

I admire the fact that AD has been actively searching for wittnesses who can testify that Joris Demmink is  involved in abuse and sex trafficing of minors. Formerly other newspapers have been  threatened by the powerful top official. I wish  the journalists and the editors of AD succes !