Friday, August 31, 2012

Does a pedophyle network rule the Netherlands and Aruba?

Two months ago the Dutch newspaper Amigoe on Aruba promised me for the 3th time an interview. This 3th time I had  intensive e-mail contact with the editor of the Amigoe. She promised me to publish my blog  so the people of Aruba could react and tell their stories anonymously. Suddenly the contact stopped. My blog was never published and got, as you see, no comments. What happened to the enthusiastic editor??
In the Nerherlands I am fighting for my book to get proper publicity. People love reading my book, but few newspapers have the guts to publish on the content. The newspaper De Stentor was very courageous and published a big interview. But many other newspapers choose to ignore my book and the rightless children on Aruba: 
Het Tijdschrift Kindermishandeling TKM ( Paper specialized on Childabuse!) never published my interview with freelance journalist Ditty Eimers. I told TKM beginning 2011 what happened on Aruba but got no reaction. TKM is connected to Unicef knows my book and they know what happens on Aruba but they keep their stories about the Dutch Antilles nice and palatable, speaking about poverty, drugs and teenage mothers. Nobody seems to want to help the children of Aruba who have no rights, many of them victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.  During my work as a child psychiatrist on Aruba I saw that the police and officials are either corrupt or scared. I had the distinct feeling that something was rotten at the top, not only in Aruba but also in the Netherlands. Today the father of a patient of mine brought me this article in AD published the 24th of August:

Angry Americans indicate that their is ungoing evidence that Joris Demmink, the highest  court judge in the Netherlands is accused of abusing young boys. This is the rotten top I felt working in the field of Aruba. Joris Demmink is probably just one of them. How can we get rid of this strangling pedophile network?

The first step is publicity and international pressure. It is an outrage that people who could do the right thing look away and allow these things to happen!